Industrial assembly worldwide
Despite the Corona and Ukraine crises, we have successfully completed 20 major contracts in the past two years.
Press release October 2022
SGS Industrial Services GmbH, based in Dorf an der Pram/Upper Austria, is one of the leading industrial assembly companies in Europe and the USA. The company is a reliable partner even in difficult times. Currently, SGS has completed a total of 3 new gas engine power plants in Germany (Dresden) and Italy as well as a large insulation board plant in Bavaria (Grafenwöhr). In the USA, a new recycling plant is currently being built in Lexington/North Carolina. Simultaneously, SGS is realising 4 projects in the field of logistics. The order volume for each of these major contracts is over 10 million euros. The order books of SGS, the industrial assembly experts from the Schärding district, were full for 2022, and the order situation for 2023 is already very good. As a result of this optimal utilisation, the company headquarters in Dorf an der Pram are currently being modernised and expanded.

Excellent order situation
A series of major orders in Europe has given SGS a record level of orders despite the generally tense economic situation in the industry. This means that, despite the Corona and Ukraine crises, a total of 20 major contracts in industrial assembly have been successfully realised in the past 2 years. There were 9 power plant industry projects, 1 cement industry project, 4 wood/materials industry projects, 3 sawmill industry projects and 3 metal industry projects, all successfully completed. At peak times, between 80 and 150 SGS employees were working on these construction sites.

Company headquarters in Dorf an der Pram are currently being modernised and extended
As a result of the excellent order situation, the company headquarters in Innviertel is bursting at the seams. For this reason, the office building in Dorf an der Pram has been modernised and extended as from May 2022, creating new office space for employees. In the existing building, all workplaces are being equipped according to the latest standards, and a new recreation room and company kitchen are being built. In addition, the tool magazine and warehouses are being modernised to the latest standards. With an investment volume of around 3.5 million euros, the office building will be completed by spring 2023 and will offer optimal working conditions.

120 million euros turnover in 2021
In 2021, SGS Industrial Services achieved a total turnover of 120 million euros, a total of 800 employees are engaged in the company, 120 employees are active in the company headquarters in Dorf an der Pram. Due to its sound financial situation, SGS will remain a reliable partner in the future to drive international projects forward, especially those concerning energy transformation.
New employees wanted
The company is currently seeking qualified skilled workers in the fields of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and pipeline construction at its headquarters in Dorf an der Pram, and for its international construction sites. SGS specialises in the assembly and maintenance of industrial plants, and consequently attaches great importance to the optimal training and further education of its employees.

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