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  Jonas on site

Exciting and diverse – these words describe not only the areas of responsibility of our fitters but also the everyday work of our personnel dispatchers.

Our colleagues from personnel allocation are our daily connection between the employees in the office and those on project construction sites worldwide. As the contact person for our assembly colleagues, they are responsible, among other things, for operational planning, coordination of arrivals and departures, and support with all concerns relating to travel matters, administrative procedures, etc. We in the #SGSteam attach great importance to personal communication and try to create a family working atmosphere despite the distance.

A team member of our personnel allocation department is Jonas, he has been in the #SGSteam since 2022 and is completing his training as a personnel services clerk.

Jonas now had the opportunity to visit two of our current construction sites.

We asked Jonas about his trip and what he experienced.

SGS: Jonas, which SGS projects have you visited?

Jonas: I visited our colleagues on construction sites in Wales and England.


SGS: What do we as SGS do with these projects?

Jonas: We assemble the mechanical part for a gas power plant. This power plant contributes to grid stabilization in England.

SGS: What did you think of the site visit?

Jonas: I think it's very cool to be able to experience what's going on on the construction site up close. In theory, of course, I already knew about it, but seeing it live is something else. How the team works together on site, how communication works both within the team and with customers/suppliers, how assembly life also works away from the construction site.


SGS: What was most exciting for you? What were you able to take away from this trip for your personal everyday work?

Jonas: Seeing live what my colleagues are assembling on site, realizing the sizes, seeing everyday life on the construction site is what I found most interesting. And that now helps me in my everyday work. Of course, it's also cool to know some colleagues personally, as our communication mostly takes place via phone calls and emails. I now have an even better understanding of the projects and the needs of my colleagues on site.

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